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Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance Research Volume 4 No 1 2022
1. Do board attributes influence Islamic social responsibility disclosure? Evidence from Indonesian sharia banking
2. Modelling zakat as tax deduction: A comparison study in Indonesia and Malaysia
3. Does financial performance and company age affect the rating Islamic bond?
4. Can the characteristics of the sharia supervisory board increase the trust of sharia bank customers?
5. Effectiveness of accrual basis accounting system in state budget and treasury system in TAM 3 framework
6. The role of corporate social responsibility in increasing company growth through micro waqf bank as a solution for economic resilience in the pandemic
7. Optimization of solvency margin in family Takaful and Life Insurance Institutions in Malaysia: Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
JNA2300005 | 657.05 JOU j 2022 1 | Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Klaten | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - TIDAK DIPINJAMKAN |
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
657.05 JOU j
Penerbit | Departement of Sharia Accounting, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business UIN Walisongo Semarang : Semarang., 2022 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
Pages 1- 182; 18 x 25 cm
Bahasa |
Klasifikasi |
Tipe Isi |
Tipe Media |
Tipe Pembawa |
Edisi |
Volume 4 No 1 2022
Subyek | |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
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