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Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2023
1. Dose and duration of calcium supplementation on pre-eclampsia: a case control study
2. Tracing of covid-19 transmission based on close contact population: cases in south sumatra
3. Influence of individual characteristics, behavior and noise intensity on blood pressure in ponorogo plastic industry’s workers
4. Hyperlipidemia is a dominant risk factor for coronary heart disease
5. Predictor of anemia among people living with hiv taking tenofovir+lamivudine+efavirenz therapy in jayapura, papua
6. Family smoking status and physical house condition with the pulmonary tuberculosis in pre-prosperous economic community
7. Sociodemographic and healthcare factors as determinants of childhood basic immunization incompletion in papua
8. Barrier perception factors affecting the acceptance of the covid-19 vaccine in salatiga city
9. Risk factors of leprosy in daha husada general hospital, kediri city
10. Socioeconomic as stunting predictor on children aged 24-59 months at before and during covid-19 pandemic
11. Determinant factors of covid-19 mortality in east jakarta in 2021
12. Identifying mental health factors of cancer patients in hospital x
JND2300007 | 610.5 JUR j 2023 1 | Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Klaten | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - TIDAK DIPINJAMKAN |
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
610.5 JUR j
Penerbit | Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga : Surabaya., 2023 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
Pages 1 - 100.; 21 x 29.5 cm
Bahasa |
Klasifikasi |
Tipe Isi |
Tipe Media |
Tipe Pembawa |
Edisi |
Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2023
Subyek | |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga
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