Image of BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health Volume 45 Suppl 2


BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health Volume 45 Suppl 2

Table Of Contents:
1 Purpose and scope
2 Definitions of overweight and obesity
3 Why is this guideline focusing on contraception and raised BMI needed?
4 An overview of data on fertility, sexual activity, contraceptive use and unintended pregnancy among women with raised BMI
5 Suitability of contraceptive methods for women who are overweight or women with obesity
5.1 Intrauterine contraception (IUC)
5.1.1 IUC effectiveness
5.1.2 IUC safety
5.1.3 Weight gain with IUC
5.1.4 Health benefits of IUC
5.1.5 Practical considerations with IUC
5.2 Progestogen-only implants (IMP)
5.2.1 Implant effectiveness
5.2.2 Implant safety
5.2.3 Weight gain with implants
5.2.4 Health benefits of implants
5.2.5 Practical considerations with implants
5.3 Progestogen-only injectable 12 5.3.1 DMPA effectiveness
5.3.2 DMPA safety
5.3.3 Weight gain with DMPA
5.3.4 Health benefits of DMPA
5.3.5 Practical considerations with DMPA
5.4 Progestogen-only pill (POP)
5.4.1 POP effectiveness
5.4.2 POP safety
5.4.3 Weight gain with POP
5.4.4 Health benefits of POP
5.5 Combined hormonal contraception (CHC)
5.5.1 CHC effectiveness
5.5.2 CHC safety
5.5.3 Weight gain with CHC
5.5.4 Health benefits of CHC
5.6 Barrier methods of contraception
5.6.1 Barrier method effectiveness
5.6.2 Barrier method safety
5.7 Fertility awareness methods
5.8 Emergency contraception (EC)
5.8.1 Cu-IUD
5.8.2 Oral EC
5.9 Female surgical sterilisation
5.9.1 Effectiveness and safety
6 Contraception and weight management treatment
6.1 Weight-loss medication and contraception
6.1.1 Orlistat
6.1.2 Liraglutide
6.1.3 Naltrexone/buproprion
6.1.4 Laxatives
6.2 Weight-loss surgery and contraception
6.2.1 Background
6.2.2 UKMEC information on bariatric surgery
6.2.3 Effectiveness and safety of contraception after bariatric surgery
6.2.4 Contraception before bariatric surgery
7 Approach to issues of weight in contraceptive consultations


JURNAL2100094610.5 BMJ b 2019 Suppl 2Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah KlatenTersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - TIDAK DIPINJAMKAN

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
610.5 BMJ b
Penerbit BMJ Publishing Group : United Kingdom.,
Deskripsi Fisik
1-58 Pages.; 21 x 28 cm.
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Volume 45 Suppl 2
Info Detil Spesifik
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