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Proceedings of The 1 st Kusuma Husada International Conference foe Midwives : The Role of Midwife in Development Midwifery Practice
1. The effect of slow-deep breathing technique on Dysmenorrhea intensity among the graduate diploma of Midwifery students of stikes kusuma husada surakarta
2. Effect of acupressure therapy on fatigue level of Postpartum mothers at local general hospital of Surakarta city
3. Prevent adoloscent marriage module (cenikma) as Provision for parents
4. Effectiveness of giving mint leaf extract (menthe Arvensis linn.) And breathing relaxation techniques in the Level of menstruary pain in adolescent adolescents
5. Influence of supporting husband and pregnancy of Readiness with the level of anxiety in trimester i in the Community health centers sibela area
6. Effect of soybean on improvement of hemoglobin levels In adolescent girls
7. The correlation between anemia in pregnant women and Low birth weight baby at banjarnegara regency
8. Hemoglobin level analysis of student achievement
9. Relationship between exclusive association with Diarrhal events in age 0-6 months in puskesmas gambirsari Surakarta
10. The pregnancy preparation knowledge increase of the Risky bride candidates through preconception health Education
11. A narrative review of prevalence and risk factors of Postnatal depression in asia
12. Parities and the level of wealth on the use of Contraception in indonesia (analysis of indonesian health Demography survey 2017th)
13. Traditional massages in post-labor recovery (qualitative Study)
14. The effect of the implementation of family centered Maternity care models on postpartum women’s attitude In perineal care in the area of public health center Gambirsari Surakarta
15. Quality analysis of health services in major accredited Health centers in pekanbaru cityin 2019
16. The differences of weight gain of 0-6 months old babies Given exclusive and non exclusive breastfeeding at Banyuanyar village, banjarsari, surakarta city
17. Food higiene in nutritional installation of rsud petala Bumi riau province
18. Factors for implementing international patient safety Goals on nurse behavior in the inpatient room of the ibnu Sina hospital in pekanbaru
PROSID2100026 | 618.2 PRO p C.1 2020 | Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Klaten | Tersedia |
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
618.2 PRO p
Penerbit | STIKes Kusuma Husada : Surakarta., 2020 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
21 x 29,5 cm
Bahasa |
Klasifikasi |
Tipe Isi |
Tipe Media |
Tipe Pembawa |
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Subyek | |
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